Monday, November 8, 2010

Natural Hair Needs Protection--What's Your Fav Protective Style?

Burrr…it’s a chilly 51 degrees here at the Jersey Shore, which definitely means that the days of walking outside with damp wash and go hair are over! Alas, it is time to choose a few protective styles to last me through these upcoming cold winter months.
Protective styles are those which protect my fragile and usually dry hair from the cold and even drier winter air. If I were to go around with my hair out in a curly fro, puff or any other style which left the ends exposed, my hair would dry out and be that much easier to snap off-especially if it got snagged on the hood of my coat or some other object. This is so because my hair (type 4A/B- for those who are interested) can’t take dry conditions; even if I were to soak my tresses with even the most creamy of shea butters it would still find a way to break off. I’m convinced that I just wasn’t meant to be living in a cold place as nothing grows well for me during winter. My nails (which are usually very long and strong during the summer) grow to a certain point and next thing I know I’m opening the car door too quickly & snag—there goes my nail! The cold air is just not conducive to things growing; take a look around the trees, flowers and even the grass is starting to show the signs of loss that the winter brings. Thankfully, there is a superior protective style that deters hair breakage: *drum roll please*... It’s The two strand twist!

As simple as this hair style seems, it can also be very fashionable and give your hair the rest that it needs in order to promote growth.

These past few weeks I’ve been going back & forth between two strand twists and rocking this little, crocheted, beanie head cover that I picked up at my local beauty supply store. Both have been a blessing from the hair gods!
During wash weeks, when I’m just not in the mood to twists my entire head I rely on my beanie to protect my tresses, lower my hair maintenance/manipulation and keep me looking fashionable.
I simply put my (already moisturized) hair into about 4-6 fat braids, place the doily about 4 inches from my hair line and wallah--a winter-friendly ‘style’ !

I recently went back into the beauty supply trying to find more of these hair doilies/beanies and had no luck :-/; thankfully I don't give up that easily, so I'll be on the look out for more of these beanies and when I find them, I'll be sure to share it with you all.

Do you wear protective styles? If so, what will be your signature 'do this winter?


  1. I just BC about a month a go so I have about 3.5inches of hair but Friday-Tuesday my protective style is two strand twist all over then I come up with another cute protective style for work on Weds-Friday....although this week I will rock a bantu knot out then return to my protective styling :)

    By the way Beautiful Twists

  2. Congratulations on being newly natural!! Feels good doesn't it? I love the fact that you're embracing your natural locks so quickly. Enjoy it while it's short b/c with proper care it'll start to grow like wildfire!
    Good Luck on your natural hair journey!
    And thanks for the compliment ;-)
