Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Importance of Fresh Air Indoors

With the cold blasts of wintery air seeming as if it'll never end, most of us have definitely been pumping up the heat in our homes lately; not to mention that the windows in most folks homes don't get opened often (if at all) during the winter. So what's the problem with that? (Well I'm glad you asked) The problem is that there is lack of fresh air being circulated throughout the home. What can one do to keep indoor air fresh without catching cold by opening windows?
You can invest in common indoor plants! (Yup, it's that simple).

Plants operate by pulling in toxins (including Carbon Dioxide) and expelling Oxygen, therefore making our air fresher, more oxygen rich and (if you get a plant with a few blossoms) can also add a pleasant yet subtle fragrance to your home.

Check out this article to learn more about which easily accessible plants you can use to freshen up your home!

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