Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Coconut Oil..a Cure for Dandruff?

My cousin has had scalp problems for years; in my opinion her issue was way more intense then just dandruff, I really think she may have had seborrhoeic dermatitis of the scalp, but she won't know for sure until she visits a dermatologist.

Being that her hair was relaxed most of her life up until about 3 years ago, she has suffered almost every hair blunder under the sun and her scalp became very damaged (much like mine)! Her scalp has endured chemical burns; being pulled into tight pony tails/braids and heat damage …you name it and her scalp has probably been through it as some point. But recently, she’s been noticing how her natural hair care routine has been keeping her scalp dandruff-free longer than usual.
Normally she’d have to wash her hair twice (sometimes three times) a week to keep the flakes at bay, but now that she’s using natural plant derived products on her scalp she now washes it only once a week (and recently she said that it’s been more by choice as opposed to having to wash it because of thick flakes starting to appear--which is a Big deal for her!) 
I began noticing that she was able to retain a style for an entire week without taking it down & re-washing; it was then that I suggested that she take a second look at what she’s been using and I think we’ve figured out what’s been helping.

She’s been washing with the same shampoo, same conditioner, same leave-in-- but about a month ago she started moisturizing her scalp with Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil from Nature’s approved (it smells heavenly) and slowly but surely the dandruff started to get milder. She told me that it’s still there, but nowhere near how it used to be. I recently corn rowed her hair (and it had been about 3 days since she last washed it) so I was prepared to see a white, flakey mess in between each part, but to my surprise it was flake-free & healthy looking! I’ve been keeping an eye on her scalp and it’s really never looked better! She says that it still itches every once in a while, but the difference now is that when she scratches, there’s no embarrassing flakes to dust off of her shoulder. I think she’s finally found her dandruff cure! I’m still urging her to see a dermatologist just to find out exactly what’s going on with her scalp and I think she will, but for now she’s just thrilled about having a nice, clean scalp!

Do you have a scalp condition?
Have you been able to find a natural way to eliminate it?  If not, I think coconut oil is worth a try!
I’m definitely adding it to my hair/scalp regimen.

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